About Me
My name is Kevin Kellman and I am a dealer with a tremendous amount of stock. I bring more than 100,000 pieces of mint and used stamps to each show I attend covering over 350 countries including the US. I also carry a moderate amount of stamp supplies.
Want Lists:
While I bring a lot of stock to the shows I attend, I can’t bring it all. If you have a specific need, don’t gamble that I will have it at the show! Send me your want list and I will bring it to the show or mail it to you. My quality is high and my prices are low. If you are not happy with the quality, I will promptly refund your money!
Current Stamp Stock:
I have over one hundred world wide “number ones” with another hundred or so number ones with a prefix (C1’s, E1’s, J1’s etc.) As previously mentioned, I have stamps from over 350 countries from the classics to the more modern fare. My modern US is quite extensive and I am also deep in US classics. I carry coils, booklets, postal stationary, postal cards and plate blocks as well.
New Supplies:
I carry stock cards, stock books and stock pages. I have glassines and dealer cards, watermark fluid and trays, perforation gauges and Scott mounts.
Used Supplies:
I have binders, album covers, glassines, stock books and stock pages. Used prices run from 50 to 75% off new prices.

k2 Collectible Stamps